My Approach
A little about my credentials
I am a Certified High Performance Coach and Relationship Coach. I help people discover new possibilities so that they can love their lives.
How do I do this?
The short answer is by asking questions and using my training, years of practise & knowledge to work with you to identify where you are in your life, clarify where you want to go from here and determine your goals. Then we work together to help you learn how to get there using proven methods that WORK!
If you are unsure if High Performance Coaching is right for you, I am happy to answer any of your questions. I am currently offering a FREE one-hour strategy session that may interest you, or you can email me.
My Road to Becoming a High Performance Coach
I married at eighteen and had two children by the age of twenty one. My parents divorced shortly before my wedding. My husband was an alcoholic so, after much soul-searching, I left with a two and a four year old. I was devastated that I was causing my children the same pain my parents had caused me.
As you can imagine, this was a very difficult time and I became very depressed but didn't tell anyone. All my time was taken caring for my kids, working and sleeping. My family and friends thought I was coping. I was ashamed that I had brought grief to my children. I also believed that there was no help for me and that I’d never be happy again. Eventually I began to feel hope and start to live my life again; to really love and care for my children. In hindsight I wish I had confided in someone, sought help and recovered more quickly.
Through my experiences I developed a “radar” for hurting women and began collecting them. I soon discovered I was overwhelmed and unequipped to help beyond caring. Thus began my ongoing education and training. Now I love inspiring and instructing women and men who are wanting more from themselves, their relationships, their careers and life in general. I want everyone to find passion and joy – to love their lives.
I've been coaching people for over twenty years as they face difficult situations in their lives: divorce, unhappy relationships, grief, loss of health and disappointment. I have trained as a Strategic Intervention Coach with Robbins Madonnes, a Certified High Performance Coach with Brendon Burchard and a Relationship Coach with RCI - Relationship Coaching Institute. I love their emphasis on the present and the future, taking control of your situation and creating the life of your dreams. The past is acknowledged but is not the focus.
Remarried now, my husband and I recently celebrated our 36th anniversary. We have four grown children and seven grandchildren. Life is good.
It's Time
Are you ready to make a change for the better in your life? Then High Performance Coaching is for you!